Cow pox is a contagious eruptive skin disease of cattle. It is mostly confined to udder and teat. It can spread to human beings. ETIOLOGY:
Cow pox is a contagious eruptive skin disease of cattle. It is mostly confined to udder and teat. It can spread to human beings. ETIOLOGY:
Theileriosis also known as East coast fever, Red water, Rhodesian tick fever is caused by blood borne protozoan parasite and transmitted via cattle ticks. Theileriosis
Monsoon failure results in crop failure, water scarcity and shortage of food and fodder for humans and animals. Extreme heat can cause several health problems
Parvo virus infection manifests as enteritis and myocarditis with high morbidity rate that can go up to 100% and mortality up to 10%. SUSCEPTIBLE HOSTS:
Canine distemper is an acute infectious viral disease characterized by fever, ocular and nasal catarrh and frequent cutaneous eruptions. Etiology: Canine distemper is caused by
Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is a widely prevalent contagious viral disease occurring in brooding and growing stage of chickens causing significant morbidity and low mortality
Chronic respiratory disease is a slow spreading contagious disease in birds with hacking cough, sneezing and tracheal rales. Etiology: Mycoplasma gallisepticum Susceptible hosts: predominantly in
Skin is the primary organ of attack. Tissue lesions are seen as pustules in respiratory tract. Here we discuss about the homoeopathic management of fowl
Coccidiosis is a disease condition caused by infection with one or more of the many species of coccidia. In this we can talk about the
Ranikhet disease is a highly contagious disease Causes: Avian paramyxovirus 1 causes Ranikhet disease. Types: Transmission Incubation period – 2 days to2 weeks. – Feed
Curewell Homoeo Pharmacy Pvt. Ltd.
Althara GCDA Road,
Thottakkattukara P.O, Aluva,
Kerala – 683108
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